About Us

Ahhh… where do we start? I imagine at the beginning… we’ll change the names to protect the innocent. 😊

I began my career at a local grocery store starting the the ripe old age of 15 as a part time bagger.

Many moons, and promotions, later I worked my way into management only to find that the company was in financial problems. 😔

As I had always tinkered with technology (and was quite good with it) I quickly found myself another job. Eight years into that job we were told to “secure our future” as the company was having financial issues. 😐

As luck would have it I once again quickly landed another job! This time I was the beginning of the IT department! Guess what happened about 8 years later. 😖

At this point my wife of around 20 years and I decided that we could easily start our own company and run into financial problems without any help… and thus was the birth of VSL Computers… born in March of 2003.

A few years ago our son joined the team!

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